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- Tutti
History of implantology: 4 centuries of innovation
When one of our ancestors had the formidable idea of inserting an artificial tooth, probably an artifact, in an alveolus to replace a fallen tooth, …
Teeth included: causes and solutions
Teeth are defined including those teeth that do not erupt or that erupt only in part by getting stuck in the bone or gum.
Oral surgery: what is it?
Oral surgery is the branch of dentistry that deals with all surgical interventions affecting the oral cavity, with the aim of solving clinical cases with …
Toothbrush and brushing: tips for proper oral hygiene
Toothbrush and brushing are fundamental and indispensable parts for correct oral hygiene. To improve the effectiveness of tooth cleaning, it is necessary to pay close …
Dental care: not neglecting them saves your life and wallet
One in ten Italians does not make adequate use of dental care. The reasons are different, but the main defendant is the high cost of …
Implantology in 24 hours: how is it possible?
A 24-hour implant surgery is a relatively recent achievement in dentistry that allows you to have fixed teeth in a single day. If until some …
Tooth fracture: causes and interventions
Tooth fracture is a very common problem but not all fractures are the same and can have different causes. An experienced dentist won’t just tell …
Dental agenesis: how to deal with it
Dental agenesis is the pathology of those who manifest the congenital lack of one or more teeth due to the lack of formation or destruction …
Dental reconstruction: ceramics or composites?
If a tooth breaks, splinters or for other types of pathologies it erodes or wears out, it is likely that dental reconstruction should be used. …
Toothpaste: which to choose and why
Toothpaste is an element almost always present in our shopping cart. Often, however, in front of shelves full of tubes with multiple variations (whitening, fluorine, …
Diet and dental health
Tooth health is our body’s litmus test. Nutrition and dental health are linked by a double thread: if on the one hand the food we …
Dental care doesn’t go on vacation
After a year of work and worries, the time of well-deserved summer rest has finally come. You know, summer is also the desire not to …
Dental implants. Main parts and components
Implantology is the technique that allows you to replace lost natural teeth with artificial ones by inserting dental implants. This consolidated and safe practice, as …
Split crest to eliminate bone atrophy
In order to guarantee stability to a dental implant, it is necessary to have an adequate quantity (and quality) of bone. As a result of …
Invisalign: the treatment for a transparent smile
Invisalign is the name of a technique that allows the alignment of the teeth through a series of aligners (new generation orthodontic aligners), very compact …