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Dental problems and pacifier use in children

problematiche odontoiatriche e ciuccio nei bambini

The nutritional function of breastfeeding or bottle suction has a reflection on the need for non-nutritive suction and the use of a pacifier in children, this habit could be the cause of some dental problems.

Use of the pacifier in the first years of life

Certainly those who have had to deal with a newborn know the benefits of using a pacifier. Benefits that have mostly also been approved by the scientific community, because it has been amply demonstrated that the pacifier has the ability to calm children, but often prolonged use, even after 2 years of age could give rise to dental problems.

Dental problems in children who use the pacifier

Newborn teeth

In a recent scientific study published in Dental Cadmos, researchers analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of using a pacifier in children.

The research is a starting point to clarify doubts and perplexities that parents expose to professional doctors, paediatricians but also dentists on a daily basis. The habit of using a pacifier is a habit that must be well managed, in terms of times and methods, to prevent problems occurring in the oral cavity.

The results of the research

From the analysis of several clinical studies it has emerged that exclusively breastfeeding children have a greater probability of avoiding the development of skeletal anomalies at the temporomandibular system level, furthermore breastfeeding makes it less likely that the child will have l constant habit of using a pacifier.

In cases where the use of the pacifier has been prolonged up to the pre-school age, dental problems have been highlighted and in particular cases of:

Dysgnathia is a particular type of malocclusion also called deep bite. An obvious symptom is a projection of the chin. The narrow palate due to a small palatal diameter instead leads to atypical swallowing, respiratory problems and hypertonicity of the facial muscles.

How to limit the impact of the pacifier on orthodontic problems

One of the solutions evaluated by pediatricians and dentists to limit the onset of dental problems due to the use of the pacifier is the use of a pacifier designed for the different oral structures. An orthodontic pacifier could limit malocclusion problems.

Another tip is to limit the use of the pacifier only at night in the first year of life and completely eliminate its use after two years.

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