When and why to consult a gnathologist? Here are the reasons

The gnathologist is a specialist in the treatment of all those disorders linked to poor occlusion of the jaw and the muscular system. Among the most important mandibular functions we find: chewing, swallowing, phonatory and postural function. The gnathologist is always part of the branch of dentistry but should not be confused […]
Bruxism, a disorder that affects nearly one in three people.

Grinding your teeth by rubbing the upper arch with the lower one is a widespread activity that we often carry out even unconsciously during the day. This activity is called bruxism and is particularly common among children, but generally also in adults during the night. But what exactly is it about? What are the […]
Sensitive teeth? That’s when eating or drinking becomes a nuisance

Do you feel discomfort or pain when you eat or drink things that are too hot, cold, or particularly sugary? Then you definitely have a problem with marked tooth sensitivity or hypersensitivity. Are you tired of trying it? Would you like to solve the problem once and for all? There can be several reasons […]
Teeth that move, causes and remedies. Here’s what to do to not lose them

One of the most common problems when it comes to dental health is that related to teeth that move. A rather widespread embarrassment that can create various problems in everyday life. What are the reasons and possible remedies for dental mobility? Is there a way to prevent the discomfort caused by moving teeth?
Nocturnal bruxism, the activity of the chewing and neck muscles

Bruxism is a widespread disorder, just think that 15/20% of the adult population suffers from it, with direct consequences on smiling and chewing. Those who grind their teeth can do it during the day (day bruxism) or at night (nocturnal bruxism). In the latter case, it is a real involuntary masticatory muscle activity that is […]
Rejuvenate with dental care: dental veneers and implantology

It is not said that to rejuvenate you must necessarily contact a cosmetic surgeon, a good dentist might be enough. The field in which we are going to go is that of cosmetic dentistry, that is the branch of dentistry that deals mainly with the aesthetics of the smile.
Bruxism: damage the teeth unconsciously

Bruxism is a decidedly subtle pathology that can cause multiple damage to the teeth often without real awareness on the part of the person concerned.