When and why to consult a gnathologist? Here are the reasons

The gnathologist is a specialist in the treatment of all those disorders linked to poor occlusion of the jaw and the muscular system. Among the most important mandibular functions we find: chewing, swallowing, phonatory and postural function. The gnathologist is always part of the branch of dentistry but should not be confused […]
Gnathology, a new science to improve the quality of life

Frequent migraines and headaches? Don’t be alarmed. It could simply be problems that gnathology can solve. But what is it about? Gnathology is a branch of dentistry that studies the physiology, pathology and functions of the jaw.
Back pain and gnathology

Back pain is a very frequent and most often disabling disorder. When the general practitioner is asked about this problem, we often find ourselves directed to the orthopedist or osteopath, more rarely we are led to think that a dentist, or rather a specialist in gnathology, can solve the problem.
Bruxism: damage the teeth unconsciously

Bruxism is a decidedly subtle pathology that can cause multiple damage to the teeth often without real awareness on the part of the person concerned.