Periimplantitis: the infection that affects the dental implant

We have listed peri-implantitis as the cause of the loss of a dental implant. Let’s try to understand specifically what this particular pathology is so insidious for patients who have undergone an implantology intervention. What is peri-implantitis? Periimplantitis is nothing more than an infection of bacterial origin, what distinguishes it from the rest of the […]
Does a dental implant last forever?

The choice to replace lost teeth with a dental implant is already in itself a choice that involves many doubts. In fact, there are many questions that a patient asks himself before proceeding with an implant surgery: Will I really have my teeth in 24 hours? Is it true that you don’t feel pain? As […]
Implant failure: what can be the causes

Implant failure is a risk that can be incurred following an implantology intervention in the event that particular conditions occur.